The next step involves Pre-Registration and Preadmission Testing. A Business Office representative may call you at home to obtain the necessary information for the registration process. You may call (281) 929-4740 to pre-register or the information will be obtained when you come in for preadmission testing.
Registration is located on the second floor of the Outpatient Center. The Outpatient entrance is located between the Lobby entrance of Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital and the entrance to the Emergency Center.
A business office representative will conduct a financial interview with you regarding your insurance coverage, co-pay (if any), and assist you with making financial arrangements. A business office representative may contact you at home or obtain the information when you come in for Pre-Admit Testing. If additional questions arise at a later time, call (281) 929-6140.
If you are having MAC anesthesia it is important to get a baseline health assessment to ensure that you are a safe candidate for anesthesia. A Preadmission Testing nurse will still need to interview you to complete an assessment of your health history, obtain vital signs, witness your consent(s) for the procedure, give you preoperative instructions and directions as to where to report to on the day of your procedure. At that time you will have an opportunity to address any concerns that you may have.
It is preferable that you come in at least a day or two prior to your procedure date to allow time to obtain lab results and completion of the entire process. You may Pre-admit up to 30 days prior to your procedure date.
The entire process from registration through testing should take about 1 1/2 hours. There are times when the volumes are high and it may take longer if you have not scheduled an appointment.
Pre-Admit Testing is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. To schedule an appointment call (281) 929-4192.
You will report to the Outpatient Registration Area on the second floor of the Outpatient Center.
Free parking is available in the visitor parking lots in front of the hospital and in front of the Professional Building adjacent to the hospital.
The type of preparation that you require depends on the type of procedure and type of anesthesia that you are having. Your doctor's office and the Pre-Admit Testing nurse will instruct you.
At Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital, your doctor is in charge of ordering your medication. The doctor will discuss the choices that you have regarding the type of anesthesia. If you have any allergies, please notify the medical team. The anesthesiologists are members of Greater Houston Anesthesiology. Please visit their Web site at for additional information.
A staff member will instruct your family/visitors where to wait while you are having your procedure.
The length of stay depends on the type of procedure that you had and the type of anesthesia/sedation that you received. Usually, it is planned for you to go home that same day. You will be assisted with dressing once you are stable. If your doctor elects to place you in Observation, you will be transferred to the short stay area of the hospital. Your doctor will visit you and discharge you within a 24-hour period depending on your recovery from the procedure. If you are being admitted into the hospital following your procedure, you will be transferred to a hospital room after your recovery phase.
You must have a responsible adult available to drive you home, and someone to care for you for the first 24 hours after your procedure.
At the time of discharge you and your escort will be given verbal and written instructions regarding your home care, follow up with your physician, and an emergency telephone number. If you had day surgery, you will be contacted by a nurse from the Day Surgery Center the following day to check on your progress.
All inpatients in the hospital will receive a Press-Ganey Survey. This is the tool that the hospital utilizes to rate the service that you received. The surveys are sent randomly to every third outpatient. Please take the time to complete the survey and return it in the self addressed envelope. We strive to provide very good service to you and your family, and we would appreciate your feedback.
The next step involves Registration and Pre-Op Testing. A Business Office representative may call you at home to obtain the necessary information for the registration process. You may call (281) 929-6300 to pre-register or the information will be obtained when you come in for Pre-Op Testing.
Registration is located on the second floor of the Outpatient Center. The Outpatient entrance is located between the Lobby entrance of Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital and the entrance to the Emergency Center. After completion of the registration process, you will be asked to take a seat in the waiting room. Pre-Op Testing is located in the same area. A staff member from Pre-Op Testing will come to the waiting room and escort you into the Pre-Op Testing department for completion of the process.
A Business Office representative will conduct a financial interview with you regarding your insurance coverage, co-pay (if any), and assist you with making financial arrangements. A Business Office representative may contact you at home or obtain the information when you come in for Pre-Op Testing. If additional questions arise at a later time, call (281) 929-6431.
It is important to get a baseline health assessment to ensure that you are a safe candidate for anesthesia. Often your doctor or the anesthesiologist requires laboratory tests, electrocardiograms and X-rays prior to the day of your procedure. You may not require any tests or they may be done elsewhere. A Pre-Op Testing nurse will still need to interview you to complete an assessment of your health history, obtain vital signs, witness your consent(s) for the procedure, give you preoperative instructions and directions as to where to report to on the day of your procedure. At that time you will have an opportunity to address any concerns that you may have.
It is preferable that you come in at least two days prior to your procedure date to allow time to obtain lab results and completion of the entire process. You may pre-admit up to 30 days prior to your procedure date.
The entire process from registration through testing should take less than two hours. It may take longer when volumes are high or when you have not scheduled an appointment.
Pre-Op Testing is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. To schedule an appointment call (281) 929-6439.
The nurse in Pre-Op Testing will instruct you where to report to on the day of your procedure. The type of procedure will depend on your entry point into the hospital. You will be given a written copy of your instructions. You will receive instructions from your doctor's office and/or your Pre-op Testing nurse regarding your arrival time on the day of your procedure.
Free parking is available in the visitor parking lots in front of the hospital and in front of the Professional Building adjacent to the hospital.
The type of preparation that you require depends on the type of procedure and type of anesthesia that you are having. Your doctor's office and the Pre-Op Testing nurse will instruct you.
You will meet with a member of the anesthesia team prior to your procedure. The doctor will discuss the choices that you have regarding the type of anesthesia. The anesthesiologists are members of Greater Houston Anesthesiology.
A staff member will instruct your family/visitors where to wait while you are having your procedure.
The length of stay depends on the type of procedure that you had and the type of anesthesia that you received. If you had a general anesthetic, you will stay in the post-anesthesia care unit for a approximately one hour. If it is planned for you to go home that same day, your recovery time will continue in the day surgery progress recovery area until you are ready to be discharged to go home. If your doctor elects to place you in Observation, you will be transferred to the short stay area of the hospital. Your doctor will visit you and discharge you within a 24-hour period depending on your recovery from the procedure. If you are being admitted into the hospital following your procedure, you will be transferred to a hospital room after your initial recovery phase is completed.
You must have a responsible adult available to drive you home, and someone to care for you for the first 24 hours after your procedure.
At the time of discharge you and your escort will be given verbal and written instructions regarding your home care, follow up with your physician, and an emergency telephone number. If you had day surgery, you will be contacted by a nurse from the Day Surgery Center the following working day to check on your progress.
All inpatients in the hospital will receive a Press-Ganey Survey. This is the tool that the hospital utilizes to rate the service that you received. The surveys are sent randomly to every third outpatient. Please take the time to complete the survey and return it in the self addressed envelope. Letters and comments are always welcome and can be addressed to:
Day Surgery Director at Memorial Hermann Hospital Southeast
11800 Astoria Blvd
Houston, Texas 77089
We strive to provide very good service to you and your family.